Monday, February 2, 2009

Mahia fire

Central Region Ambulance used WebEOC to monitor the affects of the scrub fire on Mahia Beach that destroyed 8 buildings and required a number of evacuations.

St John did a great job, logging onto the generic incident and adding details whilst against the 'Central Region Ambulance Incident' until the name was changed by the administrator to Mahia Beach Fire. The administrator could also have added any other agencies to that incident or grouped multiple incidents into a master view at that point.

St John used it as a training oppourtunity to familiarise their on-call senior officers with WebEOC. Although the fire was contained and they stood down monitoring it late last night it meant that all the details were there had it been required for a wider evacuation - in 2007 San Diego County used WebEOC to manage the evacuation of over 500,000 people and the response to some huge bush fires over a period of three weeks.

Over the rest of the summer there are a range of pre-planned public events where I'll be working with Ambulance and DHBs to have WebEOC running in the background, pre-populated with incident details just in case anything goes wrong.

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