Over the days of the 6th and 7th of April Maritime NZ held a exercise down in Dunedin to fully test their WebEOC system. Or as it is described in Martime, the IMS (Information/Incident Management System).
Luckily i was able to attend and be involved within the incident as part of the IMS support along with Dave Russell from MNZ's IT team.
The exercise was based upon a oil spill in the Otago harbour, and how the team was to respond/manage the whole incident from start to finish.
The incident started of with a collision between a ship and a tug on passage while exiting the harbour. Resulting in several tonnes of oil spilling into the harbour. The NRT (National Response Team) was quickly dispatched to help Otago Regional Council deal with the spill.
The exercise seemed to run very well, with a lot of work, energy and enthusiasim put in from many people from MNZ and Otago Regional Council.
WebEOC was tested well within the NCC (National Communication Centre), out in the field from the Port Chalmers Yacht Club and back at the Wellington office from the DAT team, with minimal problems.
People were able to add information to the main Log, compile IAP's, Add/Respond to tasks, Compile sitreps, Add Media Releases, Deploy equipment, Assign personnel, Add Vessell details, track oil release vs recovery, track costs and much more.
Below are some action short from the NCC and the Field.
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 The Operations Team conversing very well

Admin and Logistics team hard at work

Wildlife Team

Planning Team

The NOSC Team, along with Neil Rowath floating in the background planning the next event within the exercise

The Health and Safety Team. - Thank you to Lynne Irving for providing the photo's
 The IMS support team, concentraiting hard! :0)
 MNZ staff out in the field preping themselves and the equipment
 The MNZ cleanup boat used in the exercise
 The Dunedin Harbour everyone was working hard to save!
Good job Jeremy... nice pics too. Thanks to Charlie for the heads up on this post.