Last week Jeremy, Martin and I met with Dr Geoff Clitheroe and Dr Paul Grimwood from GNS to discuss integrating GeoNet feeds directly into the Emergeo GIS Browser.
We initially identified two types of content that would be useful; the isoseismal predictions for an event (these use a model to provide indicative Modified Mercalli Intensity levels emanating outwards from an event) and the near real-time shaking intensity from seismographs.
Whilst this mapping is already available on the GeoNet website having it available as a data layer within the Emergency Management Information System means that local Health users on the Emergeo browser can quickly identify health facilities that are within an affected area, whilst those with the Smart Client Emergeo can perform basic geo-spatial analysis, for example identifying the number of people within an affected area.
The screen shot shows an isoseismal layer that has been imported to Emergeo. Over the next month or so Jeremy and I will be working with GNS to establish a WFS server feed so that these data layers can be viewed in real time (rather than imported as a file). There are a number of practical aspects to work through, such as trigger levels and rules around how events such as aftershocks are incorporated into data layers for an incident but we hope to be able to demonstrate a working feed in time for the FOSS4G conference in September.
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