Two new display boards have been created that allow Ambulance users to view EOC Event data from around the country.
This change was requested because Emergency Ambulance Communications Centre (EACC) was monitoring St John Northern Regions response to the Battle of The Streets last weekend but as everything was going to plan there were very few 'National Sig Events' created and National Sig Events are the EOC log entries which external agencies can see. Now whilst it was clearly a good thing that nothing was 'Nationally Significant' it is often beneficial for agencies to see what is happening routinely . I guess this is human nature, but it also serves to re-assure other agencies that everything is under control and that in fact there are not a whole load of log entries that have been recommended as a "national Sig Event' that the controller has not got around to reviewing and releasing.
We have got around this very quickly by creating 2 new boards; 02a. Ambulance Shared EOC Events and 03a. Ambulance Shared Sig Events. This means that all 10 of the Ambulance regions or structures can view these common logs. Obviously if an emergency occurs at a pre-planned event these logs will quickly grow in size, but at that point agencies should start using the controller reviewing function and posting to the 'National Sig Event' board.
It is important to remember that the Username will indicate the organisation (Ambulance Region) that has posted the entry. but depending on feedback I may add an additional field to the display on these boars to clearly show posting Agency.
I know some agencies in the US have used a slightly different approach whereby they give user access to a 'National Sig Event' board that will filter and show both controller reviewed entries and those awaiting controller review but I think this approach will work equally as well.
I know some agencies in the US have used a slightly different approach whereby they give user access to a 'National Sig Event' board that will filter and show both controller reviewed entries and those awaiting controller review but I think this approach will work equally as well.
At the next meeting of the EMIS reference group we'll discuss whether similar shared Event logs would be useful on a geographical basis for example between groups of District Health Boards (DHBs) in a defined area, or DHBs and their Public Health Units.